KS4 Computer science
Curriculum Topic /Schemes of Work
Following schemes of work are not fixed but can be modified to reflect a schools context. It is always important to ensure the units of work meet the needs of learners.
For a detailed list of subject content for the above topics click here
Useful resources
Computer Science Guru - Arranged by Topics mainly for iGCSE
Teach Computing - Excellent resources for Computing funded by DoE UK
Teach-ICT - older site with relevant content
ZigZag - paid resources for UK GCSE and iGCSE
BBC Bitesize - Excellent starting point for teachers and students, organised by Key Stage
CodeHS - Collection of full courses for programming
Code.org - Various short course for students to work through, including 'hour of code'
Python for beginners - A Youtube playlist made by Microsoft
Computer Science 4 Fun (CS4FN) - interesting topics and reading material about Computer Science
Seneca Learning - excellent revision and homework aid for all subjects including Computer Science